I created a 3D Bomberman type of game called Super of the Bomber on Unity. This game is unique compared to other games I produced in the past. I designed this game specifically without having to rely on additional resources or people! I build a complete game from scratch and take it all the way to being published on Itch.Io to share with people who can play this game as well! 

I started Super of the Bomber gradually through a simple prototype of using simple primitive shapes like cubes and spheres. Once I was comfortable with the concepts, I continued to expand by adding 3D models to replace the prototype assets. I expanded further by adding sound, music and UI until Bomb of the Super was complete. I took one step at a time and broke everything down into small tasks so my skill level will not feel overwhelmed.

Controls: W (Move Up), A (Move Left), S (Move Down), D (Move Right), Esc (Pause), Click the Pause Symbol on the top right corner (Pause), Space (Drop Bomb)

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