In "Frog Tale Ninja Leap," a sequel to my game: Fox Tale, I take my new character (who is an agile ninja frog) into an incredible adventure. They must gain agility and precise skills as they navigate colorful environments, gather valuable fruit, and take on strong opponents to protect their frog country from a long-standing threat.

Features - Coding with C#; Character Movement: Control with smooth running, jumping, and double-jumping capabilities; Collectibles: Gather succulent fruit and bonus health to power up; Parallax Backgrounds: Experience immersive depth with stunning parallax background effects; Dynamic Enemies: Conquer moving and flying adversaries; Level Mechanics: Navigate through spikes, shifting platforms, crushing blocks; Checkpoint System for respawning and extra lives; User Interface: Enjoy a polished user interface with interactive menus; Level Design: Crafting levels using tilemaps to create dynamic environments filled with secrets and surprises; Health & Damage System: Managing the frog's health and knockback effects; Level Transitions: Transition smoothly between levels; Boss Battle: Prepare for an epic showdown against a challenging and unique boss, and Audio: a complete music and sound effects system that enhances the gameplay experience.

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